Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jigsaw Jones and the Mystery of the Missing Report Card

Chapter 1.


I was in my office talking with Lucy Hiller. OK, maybe she was talking. I was writing in my notebook. I wrote: Suspectsand then I wrote: Clues. My partner Mila Yeh arrived. I went out to meet her, and as usual, she was singing.  This time it was Jingle Bells. I asked her, “Why in the world are you singing Jingle Bells in the middle of summer when there is no snow and---“ This last remark was cut short by Mila. “Well, it’s just a song I like” she said.  I said, “Well, won’t it sound even better if you sing it in the winter when there is snow on the ground and it is also time to sled.” Mila said, “Well, I couldn’t wait tell winter so I just started singing it.”  This didn’t give me what I wanted it to, and sometimes a long talk with Mila can get really, well, boring. So I didn’t say anything else to Mila. Besides, I had work to do. So I went back to my desk and Lucy. So did Mila. But she didn’t come to help me. She came to get her payment, 50¢, because my charge is 1$, and the only way to split 1$ is 50¢. So we both have to get 50¢. But what I saw in the jar wasn’t a 1$ bill. It wasn’t even a 5$ bill. It was a 10$ bill. I asked, “Lucy, why did put that 10$ bill in there? You know that my charge is only 1$” Lucy said, “It’ll be worth it if you can get me out of this mess.”  Mila asked, “What is the whole case about?” Lucy said, “My report card is missing” I poured myself a tall glass of grape juice.  I asked her, “Why do you need your report card?” She said, “For Monday afternoon.” Report cards. Go figure. I never pay much attention them or anything that had to do with school. I mean, who does? I said, “Do you think that it was stolen?” Lucy said, “Yes, I do. Because why would someone just take a report card?” We talked for a while. Soon we had 5 suspects:
Bobby Solofsky
Geetha Nair
Kim Lewis
Mike Radcliffe
Helen Zuckerman

Mila took a purple marker and ran a line through Geetha’s name. She said, “Geetha isn’t the kind of person who would steal. She’s only been at the bottom of one case.

Chapter 2:


First, I went to check out Solofsky. The reason I did this was because he was always a headache. And I wanted to get all headaches off my hands. I had solved a lot cases that he was at the bottom of. When I got to his house, I had to
knock 5 times and then he finally opened the door. He said to me, “What do you want, Theodore?” He calls me Theodore just to bug me. It worked. I was bugged. I said to him, “Lucy Hiller thinks you might have stolen her report card.” “Me? Steal Lucy’s report card? You must be crazy, Theodore! I never touched her stuff! Don’t you remember school rule number 9: Respect other people’s things?” “Yeah,” I muttered. “And you didn’t really obey it in The Case of the Stolen Baseball Cards” I asked him, “Aren’t you going to invite me in?” He shrugged and said, “Sure. Why not? The only person who’s home besides me is my sister, Karla, and she’s probably sending E-mails on the computer.” He opened the door and we went in. Solofsky was right, the only people who were home were him and Karla. He asked me, “Why did you come, Theodore?" “I needed to talk to you,” I said. He said, “If it has any thing to do with you thinking that I stole Lucy’s report card, hit the road!” He hadn’t blinked through that whole sentence, so I left.

Chapter 3:


As I bicycled to Helen’s house, I passed Kim’s house, but I didn’t stop, even though she was a suspect. Helen used to play a lot of practical jokes. That’s why I didn’t stop at Kim’s house. Once I got to Helen’s house, I had to knock 7 times, and then Helen opened the door very fast and yelled, “BOO!” Yeesh. I told her, “I came on business, Helen, not for bad jokes” Helen said, “How do---” I interrupted her. “Lucy Hiller thinks you may have stolen her report card.” “I didn’t, Jigsaw. I’m honest!” I asked her, “Do you know anyone who you think might have done it?” She said, “Oh, probably Bobby. He gets into a lot of trouble” “I already interviewed him” “Then I would suggest Ralphie Jordan” I said to  Helen, “Do you want to come with me when I go to check out Ralphie?” “Yep” And then she yelled into the house, “MOM, I’M LEAVEING WITH JIGSAW!” And with that we got on our bikes and road off, to Ralphie’s house.      

Chapter 4:

Ralphie’s house.

Me and Helen bicycled to Ralphie’s house slowly. Because we weren’t in a hurry. Along the way, I told her I had other suspects to check out. After a while we were there. I pounded on the door for a minute, and then Ralphie opened the door.         

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